Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your VisionHaving Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

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Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

I spend most of my time working on my laptop or desktop computer. Although I take precautions to keep my eyes healthy, I still experience unexplained vision problems. After speaking to an optometrist about my eye problems, they suggested that I change the lighting in my home and office. The overhead lighting in my work space was actually too bright for my eyes. I lowered the lighting in my ceiling and placed adjustable lamps on my desk. If I need more light, I simply adjust the lamps over my computer screen. I can now work without damaging my eyes. If you have problems with your eyes and can't figure out why, read my blog. I offer real tips you can use that protect your eyes at work or home. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

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The Differences Between Comprehensive and Routine Eye Exams

You may have heard the terms "routine eye exam" and "comprehensive eye exam." Those two phrases sound similar, but which one you get depends on certain factors. Everyone needs both types of exams at some time. However, which one you need depends on certain factors. Continue reading to learn more about the two types of eye exams and their differences.

What Is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

A comprehensive eye exam involves a full examination of all parts of the eyes as well as a vision test. The doctor examines the eyes' structure and health. Usually, a comprehensive exam includes a retinal and cornea check. You will also get a glaucoma test. The vision part of the exam involves looking at charts and through various corrective lenses if necessary.

Why Get a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

A comprehensive exam checks all aspects of the eye and measures eye health. These exams can often pick up on problems and conditions early. For example, comprehensive eye exams may detect glaucoma and cataracts before you notice any problems.

Who Needs a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Everyone needs a comprehensive eye exam at regular intervals, even if they don't have vision problems. Some doctors recommend them more frequently if you have certain health or vision problems. You may need them less often if you are young and healthy.

What Is a Routine Eye Exam?

A routine eye exam usually involves only checking the vision. The doctor checks for refractive errors that could cause blurriness. Generally, routine eye exams don't involve extended health screenings. However, the doctor may refer you to your primary care physician or an ophthalmologist if they expect you to need further examination.

Why Get a Routine Eye Exam?

Routine eye exams are great if you have new vision problems between comprehensive eye exams. You should also get one if you think you have eye strain when you perform certain tasks. Routine eye exams can determine if you need new or updated vision corrections.

Who Needs a Routine Eye Exam?

People who have trouble seeing or have had recent vision changes should get a routine eye exam. You also need one if you have vision changes between comprehensive eye exams. For example, you may need a routine eye exam to check to see if you need a new eyeglass prescription or reading glasses.

Your doctor will determine which exam is right for your case. Often, the doctor's decision depends on your prior health history and relationship with their office. Both exams help preserve and protect your eyes and eyesight. Visit an eye doctor if you haven't had an eye exam recently and are experiencing vision issues.