Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your VisionHaving Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

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Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

I spend most of my time working on my laptop or desktop computer. Although I take precautions to keep my eyes healthy, I still experience unexplained vision problems. After speaking to an optometrist about my eye problems, they suggested that I change the lighting in my home and office. The overhead lighting in my work space was actually too bright for my eyes. I lowered the lighting in my ceiling and placed adjustable lamps on my desk. If I need more light, I simply adjust the lamps over my computer screen. I can now work without damaging my eyes. If you have problems with your eyes and can't figure out why, read my blog. I offer real tips you can use that protect your eyes at work or home. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

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Three Nutrients That Are Essential For Healthy Eyes

The foods you eat and the nutrients they contain impact the health of every organ in your body, including your eyes. If you want to keep your eyes in great shape, then make sure you're including plenty of these nutrients in your diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is perhaps the best-known promoter of eye health. This vitamin helps ensure that the surface of the eye and the mucous membranes surrounding the eye remain effective barriers against bacteria and viruses. If you become deficient in vitamin A, one of the main symptoms you're likely to experience is night blindness – a condition in which your vision becomes blurry in the evening.  If unaddressed, this condition can progress to total blindness.

Good sources of vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and liver. If you do not eat a lot of vitamin A-rich foods, taking a multivitamin supplement should ensure you get enough of this nutrient, along with other vitamins and minerals, in your diet.


Selenium is a mineral that is thought to reduce the risk of retina-related problems, such as macular degeneration, when consumed in adequate quantities. Studies have also shown that selenium may help slow the progression of eye problems in people with autoimmune disorders such as Graves Disease. People who do not get enough selenium in their diets often experience muscle-related symptoms, which may include twitching or weakness in the muscles of the eye. Selenium can be found in seafood such as shrimp and crab, various nuts, and whole grains.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Though they are best known for their ability to reduce the risk of heart disease, these fatty acids protect the eyes, too. They help keep the eye tissues moist and supple, and they may help prevent macular degeneration, too. Some people with dry eyes find that including more omega-3 fatty acids in their diet helps. Good sources of this nutrient include fish, nuts and seeds. Talk to your doctor about taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, since this nutrient has so many whole-body benefits.

The next time you visit your eye doctor, consider bringing up the topic of nutrition. He or she may have some additional recommendations to ensure you're getting everything your eyes need to stay healthy. If you're suffering from eye problems, such as blurry vision at night or dry eyes, ensure you're getting enough of the nutrients described above. Increasing your intake of foods that contain these nutrients may not completely solve your problem, but it should help improve it.

To learn more, contact an ophthalmologist like Nevada Institute Of Ophthalmology