Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your VisionHaving Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

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Having Problems Seeing? Tips to Improve Your Vision

I spend most of my time working on my laptop or desktop computer. Although I take precautions to keep my eyes healthy, I still experience unexplained vision problems. After speaking to an optometrist about my eye problems, they suggested that I change the lighting in my home and office. The overhead lighting in my work space was actually too bright for my eyes. I lowered the lighting in my ceiling and placed adjustable lamps on my desk. If I need more light, I simply adjust the lamps over my computer screen. I can now work without damaging my eyes. If you have problems with your eyes and can't figure out why, read my blog. I offer real tips you can use that protect your eyes at work or home. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

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Cataract Surgery Recovery Tips

Cataract surgery is considered a routine procedure, and most people heal well afterward. The relief of restored vision after the removal of the cloudy cataracts is well worth any discomfort during recovery. The following recovery tips can help you ensure that your procedure is a success.

Tip #1: Protect the Eye

Immediately following the surgery, an eye shield will be put in place. You must leave this shield on your eye for several hours. The specific length of time may vary, but your doctor will both inform you of when you can remove it and they will include this information on your release paperwork. You will also be given a special pair of sunglasses, which are made to block out any sunlight that may leak past the eye shield. Make sure you have these one when leaving the doctor's office and during the ride home. Once home, keep the shades drawn and put on the sunglasses if you must go outside.

Tip #2: Sleep Safely

You must be careful to avoid rubbing your eye for the first few days following your procedure. While this is easy enough to do when you are awake, sleeping is another matter. One way to protect your eye and get a good night's rest is to put on an eye shield every evening before bed. Don't opt for a patch, since this can come off as you sleep. Instead, securely tape the shield to your face using medical tape.

Tip #3: Take It Easy

You shouldn't drive at all the day of surgery, since the anesthesia may leave you groggy. It's also a good idea to stay home and rest the day immediately following the procedure. This not only ensures that all the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, it also helps you heal more quickly if you are well rested. If you must drive, wait until the following day and make sure you have your protective sunglasses on. Do not wear an eye shield while driving, since this compromises your depth perception.

Tip #4: Take Your Medicine

The doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic eye drop to help ward off infection. Use this exactly as directed and do not skip any dosages. Take the full course of the antibiotic and keep all of your followup appointments. Your eye may feel slightly irritated and your vision may still be blurry for the first few days after surgery, but this will lessen and eventually go away as your eye heals completely. If the discomfort is severe, as opposed to mildly irritating, contact your doctor (like those at California Eye Specialists Medical Group Inc.) immediately.